Mollify - определение. Что такое Mollify
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Что (кто) такое Mollify - определение

(mollifies, mollifying, mollified)
If you mollify someone, you do or say something to make them less upset or angry. (FORMAL)
The investigation was undertaken primarily to mollify pressure groups.
= placate
v. a.
Soften, make soft.
Appease, pacify, compose, soothe, tranquillize, calm, quiet.
Assuage, mitigate, moderate, ease, allay, abate, temper, attemper, relieve, lessen, dull, blunt.
Qualify, tone down, moderate.
·vt To assuage, as pain or irritation, to appease, as excited feeling or passion; to Pacify; to Calm.
II. Mollify ·vt To Soften; to make tender; to reduce the hardness, harshness, or asperity of; to Qualify; as, to mollify the ground.
Примеры произношения для Mollify
1. To mollify our parents, we told them
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2. He wants to mollify me, so that I'll give up the idea of parting with him.
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Примеры употребления для Mollify
1. Again, though, it probably won‘t mollify Pauline.
2. Can John McCain somehow mollify all those angry conservatives?
3. This time, Pelosi was in no mood to mollify Dingell.
4. The proposal was seen by some lobbyists as a way to mollify adjutants general.
5. The company‘s president went to the state last week to mollify irritated election officials.